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Roman Blind Rear Cord Safety Options

Last updated September 17, 2019

~2 minutes read

Option 1: Rear Cord Breakaways
1. These are attached to the bottom 2 rod pockets and supplied with a Standard Cord Adjuster.
2. They are a 2 piece part, one part is attached to the blind and the second part is where the cord runs through.
3. Once the cord is passed through the last rear cord breakaway, you then pass the cord through the Standard Cord Adjuster.
4. You can then tie a knot in this Cord but DO NOT ATTACH the Standard Cord Adjuster to the blind.
5. This is compliant because it is the Rear Cord Breakaways that breakaway from the blind and because of the knot in the cord, nothing can fall to the floor and become a choking hazard.
6. These are available in Sew-On & Hook-On.


Option 2: Safety Cord Adjusters
1. These are attached to the very last rod pocket, approx 1cm to left/right of the final ring/tape.
2. Once the cord is passed through the last ring/tape, you then pass the cord through the Safety Cord Adjuster.
4. The Safety Cord Adjuster has TO BE ATTACHED to the blind.
5. This is compliant because if the cord pulls through the Safety Cord Adjuster, it then stays attached to the blind and does not fall on the floor.
6. These are available in Sew-On & Hook-On.