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Moving blinds effortlessly
16 articles

Tulip Blinds Motorisation (Overview)

Tulip motorisation take operating blinds to a new level. We can motorise Roman Headrails, Roller Blinds, Curtain Tracks and Pleated. The motors we use we have sourced from The Netherlands and are top quality, very quiet and very good at moving blinds and curtains up and down. Tulip use a 12v system...

How to connect Brel Home to Alexa

Video Tutorial on How to connect your Brel Home to Alexa

How to connect the Brel-Home app on your Andriod Phone

Tutorial on how to connect the Brel-Home app on your Andriod Phone

Resetting a bi-directional (grey) Brel motor to factory settings

Tutorial on resetting a bi-directional (grey) Brel motor to factory settings

Reverse direction of rotation of a Bi-directional (grey) Brel motor

Tutorial on reversing the direction of rotation of a Bi-directional (grey) Brel motor

Immediately add a remote control to a Bi-directional (grey) motor

Tutorial for Immediately adding a remote control to a Bi-directional gray motor

Add position of a Bi-directional (grey) Brel motor ,setting the limits/

Using the Remote Handset DD 2700 or DD 2702.Press the up button to the required position, press stop, then stop and up together until the blind shunts 2 times only. The top limit is now set.Press the down button to the required position, press stop, then press stop and down together until the blind ...

Add remote control with another remote control bi-directional (grey) Brel motor

Tutorial on adding a remote control with another remote control bi-directional gray Brel motor

Adjusting an upper or lower position of a Bi-directional (grey) Brel motor

Tutorial on adjusting an upper or lower position of a Bi-directional (grey) Brel motor using DD 2700 & DD 2702 Remote HandsetsPress the up button to the required position, press stop, then stop and up together until the blind shunts 2 times only. The top limit is now set.Press the down button to the...

Installing a Bi-directional (grey) Brel motor

Tutorial on installing a Bi-directional (grey) Brel motor

Setting Up the Brel Home App with Motor

Tutorial on setting Up the Brel Home App with Motor.

Roller Blinds - Charge a MLE motor with a magnet charger

Roller Blind Tutorial on charging a ML£ motor with a magnet charger.

Set your emitter in the right mode

Setting your emitter in the right mode.

Brel motors read in the first MLE channel

Brel motors read in the first MLE channel

Installation Manual for 15 Channel Bi-Directional Handset (DD-2702)

If you need instructions on how to set/pair your DD-2702 handset, or to change the battery and for Tips and Tricks, see:

Remote Pairing Instructions for Motorised Roman Blinds

See attached PDF for setting Remote Control Pairing of Tulip's Motorised Roman Blinds using DD2700 and D2702