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Roman Headrail Kits

Probably the best roman headrail in the world!
7 articles

Difference between Tulip 20.04 Standard & 20.09 Bespoke Headrail Kits

The 20.04 Standard is a closed cassette with a basic 1:4 drive (only), the 20.09 Bespoke is an open cassette and has the choice of a quality 1:1 or 1:4 drive. The 20.09 Bespokee also has the Easylock spool (No screwdriver required)as standard. The 1:1 & 1:4 pullaway drives can be used in both headra...

Roman Headrail Cord Guide

The Tulip Cord Guide allows you place your lift cord exactly where you require it. So if you have a requirement to place the lift cord nearer the edge of the fabric you can now do so.

Tulip 20.09 Bespoke Easy Lock Spool

Roman Blind Specification & FAQ

an a drive be swapped to opposite end?Yes you can. This is done by loosening the screws that hold the drive in the Head Rail. Also loosen the screw that holds the drive bar in the drive. Take off the end cap from the opposite end and swap over. Re-tighten all screws once ready to hold all in place. ...

Tulip 20.09 Bespoke Headrail Kits fitted with PullAway Drive

Last updated January 16, 2019~2 minutes readThe Tulip PullAway Drive is the ultimate child safety device and is fully compliant with the Child Safety Regulations. The drive can be supplied in 1:1 or 1:4 ( for the heavier blinds). The fitting of the PullAway drive allows for the chain to be fitted l...

Tulip 20.04 Standard Headrail Kits fitted with PullAway Drive

Last updated January 16, 2019 ~2 minutes readThe Tulip PullAway Drive is the ultimate child safety device and is fully compliant with the Child Safety Regulations. The drive can be supplied in 1:1 or 1:4 ( for the heavier blinds). The fitting of the PullAway drive allows for the chain to be fitted lo...

How to identify the difference between a 1:1 Roman Drive and a 1:4

Identifying which drive is fitted to your Tulip Roman Headrail can be challenging as there are no manufacturer markings on them to help you differentiate whether you have 1:1, 1:4, 1:1 EasySafe PullAway Drive or a 1:4 EasySafe PullAway Drive. How to identify if I have a Standard or a PullAway Drive?...